Why is it that so many people ignore and dont listen to advice while few people actually listen to advice and actually put it into consideration?
Im talking about the general amount of people and as in Advice I mean good advice that actually makes sense and helpful advice.
And, is the advice that you give usually ignored by people?
And do you think there is really a point to giving advice to people if they're most likely just going to ignore it anyway?
Does it annoy you when people ignore your advice?Why do so few people actually take advice given to them by other people?
It's just in my personality to give to people without taking, and also knowing that my advice will fall on deaf ears. People don't want to follow advice, you know that being a regular on yahoo! answers.
For example, who gets best answer to a ';what's the best--?'; question or anything like it. They'll state their opinion and no matter how well you state your case, best answer goes to the person who agrees entirely with them. This is a case of people just wanting the advice they want to hear.
But in the real world, I give you another example. A dude I knew for while always played basketball in running shoes and everyday would sprain his ankle. So I give him some basketball shoes; next time he plays--doesn't wear 'em. And then what happened, he busts his ***, that's what happened. This is a case of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.)
Yeah, it annoys me when people don't listen to my advice because it usually ends with them coming back to me saying ';I should've listened.'; Nobody wants advice, because nobody knows better than anyone else--or so they believe. Most people just want others to know their problem.
It makes me feel old like I'm everyone's grandfather giving them fatherly advice and I'm way too young for that, but somehow I just keep giving it. Maybe that's because I need people to need me.Why do so few people actually take advice given to them by other people?
I give good advice quite often and most of the time my friends write it off as me being nosey. Meanwhile when things go wrong for them i usually get an apology for them not taking my advice. Example: my friend just tried setting me up with a girl who is stuck on her ex who treats her like garbage. I am no longer trying my hardest to get with her for the simple fact that every time she asks me for advice on a situation regarding her ex, she says shes going to take it, then doesn't take it, and kicks herself the next day.
In short yeah it sucks when people don't take my advice, so im trying my hardest not to give it out anymore, maybe i should charge people for it.
I think people ask for advice and already know what they need to do about the situation, but don't want to do what it will take. I don't think it's pointless because they read it, and sometimes all it takes is that one person to say the right thing to someone, and save them. Don't give up on thinking your advice is pointless. While most of your answers probably are given to those who won't use them, there may be one person out there you've helped, and that's why I answer them.
I think people ignore, or at least fail to follow, advice for two reasons. Either they didn't want it in the first place, in which case the other person may not fully understand the situation anyway, or they're sounding the other person out for suggestions or new angles to consider but don't find the other person's ideas to be the best course of action.
Everybody in this world has different opinions and tastes. When we all go and watch a movie with our friend's. When the movie is over everyone has their different opinion to partake. When we go out for ice cream not everyone chooses the same flavor. When we look at our very own Yahoo Answer's user names they are all different. Can you see now? We all think differently. Your advice is how you see it, but is it how the other human see's it? All human's do not think the same, but there IS only 1 human race. We are all brothers and sister's but we think different when it comes to taste's and opinions and such.
I think a lot of people already know the ';right'; answer when they ask for advice. Unfortunately, often logic and the heart just don't jive and sometimes the heart wins (at least for a period of time).
Personally, I don't like to give direct advice too often, mostly because I feel I have no right to tell people what to do. I'd rather help them see different aspects of a situation and let them decide for themselves. Who am I to say what's ';right'; for someone else? Sure I might see them as being happier if they agreed with me and followed that path, but on the other hand, sometimes we do our greatest growing and learning when we do what we ';need'; to do vs. what we ';should'; do. That doesn't mean I'll sit by and do nothing if someone's at risk of some kind of harm (physical or otherwise) - if I can, I'll talk to them about possible options, but ultimately, it's out of my control.
most people just ask for advice because they want to hear a certain thing or just wants to hear someone say that they are ok with what they are doing - most people arent really looking for advice just justification - I do dislike it when people ignore my advice but get a kick out of them admitting in the end that I was right - I am terrible at I told you so - or my answer is mainly - If I tell you a duck can pull a truck - hook em up ! lol
Because most people looking for advice ,
Already know what they want to do . . .
They are just looking for the people who agree with them .
Like the bulimics who post here ,
They are just looking for others who upchuck and how - to - tips .
Actually , I figure the advice will register later ,
After their plan implodes .
Just an interesting quote to consider--';Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than its worth.';
A lot of people will say they don't take their own advice, but in reality they tend to hold their own opinions above everyone else's, despite their seeming sincere plea for help and advice.
No. I do not get annoyed about it. People usually do what is best for their situation. Some do not due to past trauma's which often lead to addictions of some kind. Coupled together this requires a professional intervention. Some just don't want to step outside their comfort zone. That is sad because you miss out on life. We all have free will. Usually my advice is heeded. Important for me when it comes to my children. If they veer from my decision I do get upset and explain fully why I said what I did to begin with. For their health and or safety.
Most people who ask for advice don't really want advice. They really just want you to listen to the story. Some do it for attention. Some already have there minds made up and are really just thinking out loud.
That is just the way life is. It is also how most people are.
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