Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why do people find that they need the advice and opinions of others to find answers?

Dont you believe that in your own life YOU should make the important decisions and not rely on others for the burdens of your own moral and ethic fibers? I believe there is no more sense of self worth anymore, that everything has to be screened through a general consensus in order for the population to retain its status quo. Why?Why do people find that they need the advice and opinions of others to find answers?
people need each other; to interact; to sound off opinions etc; everyone chances their mind and what you think one day can change months and/or years down the road; there is self worth but it comes from within, sometimes arrived by life's experiences, lessons taught and learned, example ; take all that in and then a person makes a judgment call for what is right for themWhy do people find that they need the advice and opinions of others to find answers?
so that we don,t make the same mistakes as others. we should make our own decisionsbut only after we have armed ourselves with all the info that is available there is a greater sense of self-worth because we collectively have immensely more knowledge and wisdom than we ever could as an individual. all information cannot be contained in one book or one mind.feel free to use others as reference sources in you quest for knowledge. morals and ethics are just two of the many things we learn from,suprisingly enough, other people.
Most people are not asking for advice, they are just using you for a sounding board. Not many people really want your opinion for consideration. Millions want to give it. I have a good friend who has a saying I like. '; I never take advice from people who are more screwed up than I am.';
I worked as a counselor at one time. This comes naturally to me. I am here because I feel drawn to help give feed back to other people so that they can make up their own minds. Why are you here?
... two heads are better than one. It's good to get as many perspectives as you can, especially on the important, life changing things.
I think it is OK to ask people who are supportive to us their opinion. However this does not mean you have to do what they say. They may have an insight that you have not thought about. Why do people think they know all the answers?
Because everything anyone ever does in their lifetime, they measure up against everyone else's views and opinions. Some people just don't wanna do the hard part, and think for themselves, and would rather just have every detail of their life handed to them by people who don't even know them, while other are afraid of failure and rejection. The in-crowd makes the rules, and everyone is so obsessed with being accepted, that no one thinks for themselves.

I could go on and on about this issue for a while, cuz you make a very valid point, and it's very true that sense of self worth has decreased...
Uhh...I'll leave you in suspense over this one....

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