Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why are people good at giving advice but bad at taking it?

What do you think stops you from following the same advice you offer to others when you find yourself in a position like theirs?

Is there anyone out there who is actually bad at giving advice yet good at taking the advice of others %26amp; following through with it?Why are people good at giving advice but bad at taking it?
yeah that's true, it's easy to say im going to do something, but it can be hard to actually do. I'm sure that's true for many people.Why are people good at giving advice but bad at taking it?
Giving advice puts the giver in the position of being the ';better'; person, and taking it can put the receiver in the ';lesser'; one. And since no one wants to be made to look bad in front of others, or feel bad about him/herself, they don't typically take advice too well but may be good at giving it out- even if wrong.
because its very easy to give advice, but VERY hard to follow it. example: smoking
ME, now that I am older it is easy to see exactly where my mistakes were.

I unfortunately listened to people who have no real concern for me and zero desire to see me successful.

My family.

I only wish I followed the advice given to me by non-family members eighteen years ago. What a nice life I would be having right now as a married college professor.....instead of my current a divorced single mom.
hahaha.....because its easy to talk but hard to do.
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