Sunday, July 25, 2010

For people thinking about getting Married what advice would you give them?

I've been married 4 years.

What if your cousin wanted advice from you what would you tell him or her?

What makes a marriage strong?

What makes a marriage last?For people thinking about getting Married what advice would you give them?
COMMUNICATION is the key!! try to talk about everything even if it seems to be the stupidest thing TALK AND DISCUSS IT!!!



-UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER...For people thinking about getting Married what advice would you give them?
Chemistry, respect, commonalities, friendship, comfort, good conflict-resolution, trust, happiness, same maturity despite age, cultural similarities, families like each other, positive outlook on life, willing to love the person unconditionally from start to finish, in sickness and health. Is that enough?
Ask yourself:- Was your first attraction to your partner their looks, or were you drawn to their personality. If you were initially attracted by looks, chances are you are infatuated. That will die, given time. If you love the person, love will live on. Too may people dolly themselves up to the eyeballs, in order to attract a mate. Then they wonder why their partner is attracted to other nice looking people and not so attracted to them when their looks fade. Attract a listener, not a looker. Very few actually change after marriage.




Love making



Time together and time apart

Respect of eachothers beleifs etc

honour and protection for eachother

Friendship and much much more

Choose the right partner!!!!!

I married a man with an even temperament, and it is such a blessing. He never loses his temper, or is moody.

Marry a man who wants to be married, and to you.

Always treat your partner with respect.

Be affectionate. Talk things through. And always, always, always, talk!!!!
Trust. Unconditional love. Communication (before the marriage and during). Good sex! You need ALL of those in order to have a successful, long marriage.

Advice for the engaged? Discuss EVERYTHING before hand (ie: children, money, the future, personal beliefs and morals) There should be no secrets in a marriage. One other piece of advice.....for the woman: Let the little sh*t slide! Don't become a bitter, old nag.
learn to talk and understand what is important to each other. some things i do not like i let go because it is just how she is and she does the same for me. Example most of the sink and dresser top is covered in junk (her fault i would throw it all out) and i got lots of truck parts somewhat organized but laying out in my yard and under my shed. Just understand each other. Talk about what each wants and is important to them.

It is definity about compromise!!! you will not always get what you want!!
Learn to compromise.

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