Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Question about being sick and immune system(only lookin for advice from people that no anything on the subject?

i have been sick now for around 3 days and my friend made a comment that he is sick of people being sick all the time and that people should be more cleanly and healthy and that they should run more and play video games less. and im just wondering isnt it just as possible for a marathon runner to get sick with a virus as a video gamer or someone who doesnt really do very much?Question about being sick and immune system(only lookin for advice from people that no anything on the subject?
There are a variety of things that contribute to the level of one's immune system.

It includes personal hygiene, eating habits, amount of exercise, and often times their own genetics.

Many times even if you do everything right, you will still get sick. It's part of life, and the reason our body has a natural defense against illness.Question about being sick and immune system(only lookin for advice from people that no anything on the subject?
Anyone can pick up a virus. However, someones body that is healthier tends to fight off viruses better than someone who is ran down. I have a coworker that runs 5 miles every day. He works two jobs and had been feeling ran down for a couple of weeks, stating that he really needed a rest day. Right now he is trying to fight off a virus that he probably picked up from a student. (Knock on wood) I have not gotten the virus and I with the same student the same amount of time each day; and I don't run 5 miles a day nor do I have two jobs.
Unfortunately it is true that people who stay inside get ill more than those who are outside regurly.

It's because bacteria and viruses thrive in the warmth.

Also people inside a lot don't get much exercise so their immune system starts to lack.

Only like half an hour a day outside and you'll find a difference.

If you have immune system issue try taking some vitamin c and probiotics too.

They'll boost it for you
well no, the runner has less chance of getting sick. his immune system is stronger because he is more active and most likely eats more healthy foods. the immune system fights off germs...if both guys are exposed to the germ, it is more posible that the runner would fight it off, OR still get sick but for a shorter time.

now there's always exceptions...perhaps the gamer just happens to have a very strong immune system, or has been exposed to the germ before and has built up an immunity to it. but for the most part, the healthier you are, the less likely you will get sick.

PS your friend is right...just washing your hands often will prevent so many grms, really!!

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