Monday, August 23, 2010

Would the BNP provide legal advice to non-';native British'; people who are repressed by the BNP?

';A key role of the British National Party is to provide legal advice and support to victims of repression and those denied their fundamental civil rights.';

What if a black person was being repressed and culd not get a job because the BNP had decided that white people came first?Would the BNP provide legal advice to non-';native British'; people who are repressed by the BNP?
Good Q. The nazi BNP have already stated that they would prioritise the education of white children over that of any children who don't fit their narrow racist profile so I have no doubt that black people would be the same rights that white people currently enjoy.

Ignore the Yank, he obviously didn't read your Q properly!


DON'T VOTE BNPWould the BNP provide legal advice to non-';native British'; people who are repressed by the BNP?
Both you and the BNP need to learn English. Yes, I am saying that as an American. The word is ';oppressed';, not ';repressed';';.

Well, if a store, company, or any private business doesn't want to hire someone based on race, that is their decision.

If you are talking about a government job, then that would be discrimination and against their civil rights.
Think of your children's future?? Oooh, you're just desperate to use your precious little fascist 14 words aren't you?

Yes, we should all read the BNP manifesto, it just might distract us from that nasty little racist crap that got leaked recently. Don't use the phrase black British or British Asian as such people don't exist? Call them 'racial foreigners' instead?

Don't bother reading the BNP manifesto, read Mein Kampf, it's the same crap.
Why don't you read the manifesto properly? or is this just another little limp wristed apologist rant, afraid at the thought that something HAS to be done. reality needs to be faced. Its people with your kind of attitude who we have to thank for the mess that we are in. Why don't you start to think of your children's future? the moment, it is Islam!!! An over populated Islamic dump!!! Aren't you in the least bit worried about the state of your country? the potentially violent hate fuelled future that you hand to your kids?
Well, as a native Brit and a strong family man who puts his childen first before all others, i have to ask this question. Would my children be safer under a BNP government or the anti white/British labour government, and i choose the BNP. So your question is irrevelevant to me.
The most likely scenario is that the Black person would be unable to get a job with a local council due to it being Asian dominated. In those circumstances one would hope that he or she would be given adequate legal aid.
interesting question as we live in a country where the white British are discriminated against in the workplace.I would hope that any immigrant or leftie who didnt like living under a BNP government would go and live in their country of origin.
The BNP are not in power so they can't enforce a policy of white people first.

Even though I believe the BNP covertly racist, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't openly admit they put white people first.

If they ever got into power (and don't worry, they won't), I would leave this country immediately.
I think you'll find that not being able to get a job isn't considered to be repression.

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