Saturday, August 21, 2010

How many people follow the advice given to them on here?

I think some people do. You have the best question I've seen on here in a while.

I think most people already know what's right, but hearing it from someone else helps you to know you're right and gives you confidence.How many people follow the advice given to them on here?
The thing about Yahoo! Answers, is that it's full of real people. People typing responses to your question, giving so many different perspectives which sometimes you can't see for yourself. It's the beauty of it. Anonymity, and honest answers.

How many people actually choose to listen to it depends on a lot of things, sometimes people just need reassurance that they're doing the right thing, sometimes they need different opinions, sometimes they just need a nonjudmental ear - all of which Y!A has to offer.

So it really varies.

Nice question though, I see why the concept of Y!A can be a little strange. Taking advice from random people over the net.

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