Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Does anyone have any advice for people with fibromyalgia?

id say learn all you can about Fibromyalgia.

i was diagnosed around 1987 i know looking back as a young kid (im now in my mid 60s) that i had symptoms back then. This was in those days called ';growing pains


my Daughter and my younger sister also has Fms (as we call it)

You dont say if your dr diagnosed you with fms

if so im wondering if he/she tested you for other related illnesses that cause pain/sleep problems short term memory etc (the list of symptoms for fms is quiet long)but NOT all of us get ALL the symptoms were all different and one medication that helps one of us dosnt necersary help the other.

Gentle excersise is a good way to help with fms and keeping to a good diet.

Try to avoid to much sugar (Aspertame im told is a no no for fms patients.

if you pace yourself each day and dont overdo to much your pain level should be lower.

There are many medications you can get to help.

i find using heat helps me (heating pad etc) and soaking in the tub.

When the pain is very bad you may try putting a blanket(preferably cotton)in the dryer and wrap it around your self.

There are a great many people with fms millions in USA %26amp; Canada alone not to mention other countries.

A Rhuematologist id say is the best Dr.for you to get help.Does anyone have any advice for people with fibromyalgia?
My arithritis doctor diagnosed me last month with fibromyalgia. Of course, I know they still don't know much about the disease, but I feel like I finally know why my entire body has hurt so bad for so many years. I also have osteoarithritis and believe me that does not help! My doctor gave me a prescription of Lyrica. I have been taking it for about one month and I believe it is helping a little. I am so used to chronic pain and what is so terrible is all the doctors I have been to and finally my new doctor last month told me that was what I have. I take Lortabs and Ativan, but not to much touches the kind of pain you have with fibromyalgia.

My doctor is a reumatologist, so maybe you should see that kind of doctor. Good luck to you AND ME!!!Does anyone have any advice for people with fibromyalgia?
yep, get up and excersise! Somehow three of my sisters have been diagnosed with this, they are all young and built great, and now on many medications? whatever, Doctors are too quick to label everybody, and everybody wants a label? I dont get it. I know you ache, I do too when its winter, because I get lazier. My sisters were fine until they got stressed or lost a job, or no longer walked 20 flights of stairs each day to their office instead of the elevator. From watching them and their life, I noticed first they had a traumatic event in their life, then they lost a job, then got stuck at home a lot and no longer excercised. There might be a link there, this is what I have observed. THere has to be a better way than being on all that medication.
A positive attitude goes a long way with any illness, and FM is no different. Stress also plays a HUGE part. Learn all you can about your illness.

A great place to start is FM/CFS/ME Resources. http://fmcfsme.d-3systems.com/ They have accurate, concise information for people with FM and/or CFS/ME, with NO pop-ups and no advertising. All services are FREE! They offer the following:


* What Is FM

* FM Symptoms

* FM Severity

* FM Duration

* FM Treatments

* FM Tender Points


* FAQ's

* Definitions

* Abbreviations

* Coping Tips

* Doctor Search

* Drug Information


* Online Support Groups

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* Start A Support Group

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* FM/CFS/ME Awareness
I've read a lot of it is stress related. Look up information on stress relief.
Hi I was diagnosed with fibro around six years ago but I had pain for several years before. I was told that a gall bladder surg ery in which they cut nerves caused trauma that triggered the fibro. The pain clinics the hospital sent me to were only interested in keeping me on 24 hour pain meds but I realized with fibro you have bad days and worse days. I wanted to be able to judge my pain levels myself so I found a arthritis Dr. who understood that I didn't want to stay drugged up my whole life and he lets me choose when to take pain meds and when I dint need to. Fibro is a hard disease to deal with it affects so much of your life,but I have decided not to let it rule any more than I have to. Until I retired last year I worked twelve hour days in retail and made myself get up wether I felt like it or not.Even now I sub at the school and walk my dog at least twenty minutes a day.Sometimes you think you just cant do it but you have to take yourself up and do what you have to do. hope this helps Linda
allo go on the site fibromyalgia-kent-uk its run by sarah and they explain every symptom and almost everything u need to no,i had trouble for years and going on there helped so much,plus once u join as i have there are so many normal people on there who suffer fms and almost all symptoms who help hope this has helped x
I suffer from it. I eat a very small mostly vegan meal, 5 times a day. Drink lots of green tea and stay away from anything refined, like sugars, flour, etc and no dairy.

I also take Neurontin and see my doctors every 3 months or so.

I exercise by walking (when I can) about 3 miles a day.

I try to sleep and nap during the day if I can.

Keeping a positive outlook and seeking comfort in support of friends and family or even a local group is a good thing.

Hope all goes well for you.
This is a very complicated disorder and can not be given the respect it deserves in this format. The first thing I would suggest is learn everything you can about the different body systems it affects and then read everything you can about how to treat those problems. It took me literally years to even begin to understand the information available to us from research.

Here is a link to one of the best places on the Internet to read all the different fibromyalgia researchers articles and treatment plans from top fibromyalgia doctors. You will find that fibromyalgia is very complicated and is compounded by the lack of respect from the public in general and those in the medical field who haven't bothered to actually read any current research.

I have used a site called National Fibromyalgia Association. You can sign up for a e-mail newsletter from them. Their site also contains helpful information. You need to be diagnosed by a rheumatologist, but mine wouldn't treat me after diagnosis. Then good luck finding a doctor who knows enough about it to treat you. Look for some one who specializes in it. If you can find someone you may get better care because he/she will know the medicines. Diet, exercise, vitamins, keeping yourself healthy, and I believe mind, spirit and body connect has alot to do with level of pain. If you constantly think i'm in pain, you will be. Try to do yoga. It is non-stressfull exercise that is good for the body that can be done at your level of tolerance and try to control pain with meditation (I know this sound hokey, it did to me too) but I'm off my percocets. Good Luck. Education is the Key.

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